PRESENTATIONS: A. Presentation and discussion concerning the City's financial statements and investments as of November 30, 2017. (Michel Sorrell)
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: All items listed on the consent agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Council member in which event, the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as a regular agenda item. 8A. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Star Ranch Commercial Lots 1-3 Block B Final Plat, 6.817 acres, more or less, of land, four commercial lots, located within Hutto's extraterritorial jurisdiction on Muirfield Bend Drive at FM 685/SH-130 SB Frontage Road. (Carolyn Horner] 8B. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Titan Innovation Business Park Preliminary Plat, 67.88 acres, more or less, of land, six commercial lots, located on Innovation Boulevard and Schneider Boulevard. [Carolyn Horner) 8C. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Titan Innovation Business Park Block A Lot 1 Final Plat, 8.048 acres, more or less, of land, one commercial lot, located on Schneider Boulevard. (Carolyn Horner) 8E. Consideration and possible action on the acceptance of the drainage, water, and wastewater improvements of Hutto Crossing Phase 1-4 Subdivision. (Matthew Rector) 8F. Consideration and possible action on the acceptance of the drainage, water, and wastewater improvements of Hutto Crossing Phase 4 Subdivision. (Matthew Rector)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to purchase an International Dump Truck from Longhorn International not to exceed $107,107.44. (David Mason)
ORDINANCES: Consideration of a public hearing and possible action on the first reading of an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances (2014 Edition), Chapter 16, Article 16.02 Unified Development Code (UDC) Chapter Two, Section 10.203.9: Minor Modification. (Carolyn Horner)
Consideration and possible action on the second and final reading of an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Budget related to fiscal year-end closing and to reallocate capital project funds to the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget, organizational restructure, account for attorney fees, and other miscellaneous adjustments. (Michel Sorrell)
Consideration of a public hearing and possible action on the first reading of an ordinance approving the creation of Reinvestment Zone Number One for the purpose of promoting redevelopment within the corporate limits of the City of Hutto. (Helen Ramirez)
RESOLUTIONS: Consideration of a public hearing and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Star Ranch Section 7 Revised Preliminary Plat, 222.4 acres, more or less, of land, 354 residential lots, two townhome lots and two condominium (single-family product) lots, located within Hutto's extraterritorial jurisdiction on Winterfield Drive at Loch Lomond Street. (Carolyn Horner)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Star Ranch Section 7 Phase 3 Final Plat, 33.152 acres, more or less, of land, two condominium (single-family product) lots, located within Hutto's extraterritorial jurisdiction on Winterfield Drive at Loch Lomond Street. (Carolyn Horner)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution concerning an additional schedule of two (2) leased vehicles for Public Works to the Enterprise Master Lease Agreement (MLA). (David Mason)
11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 11A. Executive Session, as authorized by Section 551.074, Texas Government Code, Personnel Matters, to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, or duties of public officer or employees: the appointment of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) board members. 11B. Executive Session, as authorized by Section 551.071, Texas Government Code, regarding consultation with Attorney. 11C. Executive Session, as authorized by Section 551.087, Texas Government Code, regarding deliberations concerning Economic Development Negotiations. 12. ACTION RELATIVE TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: 12A. Consideration and possible action regarding item 11 A. 12B. Consideration and possible action related to item 11B. 12C. Consideration and possible action related to item 11C.
13. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS: 13A. Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to take appropriate actions to repair, replace, or rehabilitate the City's water tanks and water towers not to exceed $4,000,000.00. (Matthew Rector) 14. ADJOURNMENT
PRESENTATIONS: A. Presentation and discussion concerning the City's financial statements and investments as of November 30, 2017. (Michel Sorrell)
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: All items listed on the consent agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Council member in which event, the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as a regular agenda item. 8A. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Star Ranch Commercial Lots 1-3 Block B Final Plat, 6.817 acres, more or less, of land, four commercial lots, located within Hutto's extraterritorial jurisdiction on Muirfield Bend Drive at FM 685/SH-130 SB Frontage Road. (Carolyn Horner] 8B. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Titan Innovation Business Park Preliminary Plat, 67.88 acres, more or less, of land, six commercial lots, located on Innovation Boulevard and Schneider Boulevard. [Carolyn Horner) 8C. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Titan Innovation Business Park Block A Lot 1 Final Plat, 8.048 acres, more or less, of land, one commercial lot, located on Schneider Boulevard. (Carolyn Horner) 8E. Consideration and possible action on the acceptance of the drainage, water, and wastewater improvements of Hutto Crossing Phase 1-4 Subdivision. (Matthew Rector) 8F. Consideration and possible action on the acceptance of the drainage, water, and wastewater improvements of Hutto Crossing Phase 4 Subdivision. (Matthew Rector)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to purchase an International Dump Truck from Longhorn International not to exceed $107,107.44. (David Mason)
ORDINANCES: Consideration of a public hearing and possible action on the first reading of an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances (2014 Edition), Chapter 16, Article 16.02 Unified Development Code (UDC) Chapter Two, Section 10.203.9: Minor Modification. (Carolyn Horner)
Consideration and possible action on the second and final reading of an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Budget related to fiscal year-end closing and to reallocate capital project funds to the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget, organizational restructure, account for attorney fees, and other miscellaneous adjustments. (Michel Sorrell)
Consideration of a public hearing and possible action on the first reading of an ordinance approving the creation of Reinvestment Zone Number One for the purpose of promoting redevelopment within the corporate limits of the City of Hutto. (Helen Ramirez)
RESOLUTIONS: Consideration of a public hearing and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Star Ranch Section 7 Revised Preliminary Plat, 222.4 acres, more or less, of land, 354 residential lots, two townhome lots and two condominium (single-family product) lots, located within Hutto's extraterritorial jurisdiction on Winterfield Drive at Loch Lomond Street. (Carolyn Horner)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Star Ranch Section 7 Phase 3 Final Plat, 33.152 acres, more or less, of land, two condominium (single-family product) lots, located within Hutto's extraterritorial jurisdiction on Winterfield Drive at Loch Lomond Street. (Carolyn Horner)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution concerning an additional schedule of two (2) leased vehicles for Public Works to the Enterprise Master Lease Agreement (MLA). (David Mason)
11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 11A. Executive Session, as authorized by Section 551.074, Texas Government Code, Personnel Matters, to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, or duties of public officer or employees: the appointment of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) board members. 11B. Executive Session, as authorized by Section 551.071, Texas Government Code, regarding consultation with Attorney. 11C. Executive Session, as authorized by Section 551.087, Texas Government Code, regarding deliberations concerning Economic Development Negotiations. 12. ACTION RELATIVE TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: 12A. Consideration and possible action regarding item 11 A. 12B. Consideration and possible action related to item 11B. 12C. Consideration and possible action related to item 11C.
13. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS: 13A. Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to take appropriate actions to repair, replace, or rehabilitate the City's water tanks and water towers not to exceed $4,000,000.00. (Matthew Rector) 14. ADJOURNMENT