WORK SESSION: A work session is conducted for information or educational purposes. No action is taken by the Council on items listed. 7A. Discussion and review of Outside Agency Funding Applications.
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: All items listed on the consent agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Council member in which event, the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as a regular agenda item. 8A. Consideration and possible action approving the minutes of the July 19, 2018 Regular City Council Meeting. (Lisa Brown) 8B. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Star Ranch Commercial Revised Preliminary Plat, 40.27 acres, more or less, of land, located within Hutto's extraterritorial jurisdiction west of SH-130 and north of Gattis School Road. (Ashley Lumpkin) 8C. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the subdivision approval extension request for the Brooklands Section One Final Plat, 17.6704 acres, more or less, of land, 82 residential lots, located on CR 137 south of FM 1660 South. (Ashley Lumpkin) 8D. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the subdivision approval extension request for the Brooklands Section Two Final Plat, 15.006 acres, more or less, of land, 88 residential lots, located on CR 137 south of FM 1660 South. (Ashley Lumpkin)
REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 9. ORDINANCES: Consideration and possible action on the second reading of an ordinance approving the Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning ordinance amendment for the Hutto Crossings PUD, 465.00 acres, more or less, of land, located at the southwest corner of Chris Kelley Boulevard and US 79 West. (Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration and possible action on the first reading of an ordinance calling a bond election for November 6, 2018, making provisions for conducting the election and resolving other matters related to such election. (Helen Ramirez)
RESOLUTIONS: Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Tank Builders, Inc. for the construction of the Shiloh Ground Storage Tank. (Matt Rector)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to renew the contract with the Brazos River Authority (BRA) for the operation of the Wastewater Treatment Plants. (Matt Rector)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to approve the design changes and subsequent change orders for the design and construction of the Innovation Business Park infrastructure. (Matt Rector)
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an engagement letter with the audit firm Whitley Penn, LLP for fiscal year 2018 audit. (James Bryson)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution concerning Outside Agency Funding allocations and authorizing the City Manager to execute all Interlocal Agreements established with Outside Agencies for the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year. (James Bryson)
Presentation and discussion of the Proposed 2019-19 Annual Operating Budget. (James Bryson)
Consideration and possible action on the proposed Ad Valorem tax rate, including taking a record vote on the proposed tax rate, and setting dates, times, and places for a public hearing and adoption of the tax rate. (James Bryson)
OTHER BUSINESS: 11A. Consideration and possible action regarding appointments of new members to the Boards and Commissions. (Lisa Brown)
CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: Presentation on City of Hutto Business Plans for 2018-2019. (Eliska S. Padilla)
Updates and discussion related to the drainage issues near the 1300 block of Creekbend Cove. (Matt Rector)
12C. Presentation of City-Wide Customer Service Program. (Allison Hosgood) 13. ADJOURNMENT
WORK SESSION: A work session is conducted for information or educational purposes. No action is taken by the Council on items listed. 7A. Discussion and review of Outside Agency Funding Applications.
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: All items listed on the consent agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Council member in which event, the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as a regular agenda item. 8A. Consideration and possible action approving the minutes of the July 19, 2018 Regular City Council Meeting. (Lisa Brown) 8B. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Star Ranch Commercial Revised Preliminary Plat, 40.27 acres, more or less, of land, located within Hutto's extraterritorial jurisdiction west of SH-130 and north of Gattis School Road. (Ashley Lumpkin) 8C. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the subdivision approval extension request for the Brooklands Section One Final Plat, 17.6704 acres, more or less, of land, 82 residential lots, located on CR 137 south of FM 1660 South. (Ashley Lumpkin) 8D. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the subdivision approval extension request for the Brooklands Section Two Final Plat, 15.006 acres, more or less, of land, 88 residential lots, located on CR 137 south of FM 1660 South. (Ashley Lumpkin)
REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 9. ORDINANCES: Consideration and possible action on the second reading of an ordinance approving the Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning ordinance amendment for the Hutto Crossings PUD, 465.00 acres, more or less, of land, located at the southwest corner of Chris Kelley Boulevard and US 79 West. (Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration and possible action on the first reading of an ordinance calling a bond election for November 6, 2018, making provisions for conducting the election and resolving other matters related to such election. (Helen Ramirez)
RESOLUTIONS: Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Tank Builders, Inc. for the construction of the Shiloh Ground Storage Tank. (Matt Rector)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to renew the contract with the Brazos River Authority (BRA) for the operation of the Wastewater Treatment Plants. (Matt Rector)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to approve the design changes and subsequent change orders for the design and construction of the Innovation Business Park infrastructure. (Matt Rector)
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an engagement letter with the audit firm Whitley Penn, LLP for fiscal year 2018 audit. (James Bryson)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution concerning Outside Agency Funding allocations and authorizing the City Manager to execute all Interlocal Agreements established with Outside Agencies for the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year. (James Bryson)
Presentation and discussion of the Proposed 2019-19 Annual Operating Budget. (James Bryson)
Consideration and possible action on the proposed Ad Valorem tax rate, including taking a record vote on the proposed tax rate, and setting dates, times, and places for a public hearing and adoption of the tax rate. (James Bryson)
OTHER BUSINESS: 11A. Consideration and possible action regarding appointments of new members to the Boards and Commissions. (Lisa Brown)
CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: Presentation on City of Hutto Business Plans for 2018-2019. (Eliska S. Padilla)
Updates and discussion related to the drainage issues near the 1300 block of Creekbend Cove. (Matt Rector)
12C. Presentation of City-Wide Customer Service Program. (Allison Hosgood) 13. ADJOURNMENT