CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sec. 551.0415, a member of the governance body may make an announcement about items of community interest during a meeting of the governing body without given notice of the subject of the announcement. Items of Community Interests include: (1) expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; (2) information regarding holiday schedule; (3) an honorary or salutary recognition of public official, public employee, or other citizen, except that a discussion regarding a change in the status of a person's public office or public employment is not an honorary or salutary recognition of the subdivision; (4) a reminder regarding social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the political subdivision; and (5) announcements involving imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the political subdivision that has arisen after the posting of the agenda.
PUBLIC COMMENT Any citizen wishing to speak during public comment may do so after completing the required registration form. In accordance with the Texas Attorney General's Opinion, any public comment that is made on an item that is not on the published final agenda will only be heard by the City Council. No formal action, discussion, deliberation, or comment will be made by the City Council. Comments must be courteous and respectful. Accordingly, concerns, complaints, and assertions of character regarding specific individuals, including any citizens, staff member, City Board or Commission member or City Council member shall not be raised in a public forum; but should be addressed separately and privately with the City Manager or individual member of the City Council. Any person who violates these rules will have their speaking time ended inappropriate or disruptive manner may be asked to leave the City Council Chambers. Each person providing public comment will be limited to 3 minutes.
CITY MANAGER COMMENTS 7. A. Presentation of the City Financials for the Month of October as required by the fiscal and budgetary policy. (Michel Sorrell)
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 8.A. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the subdivision plat approval extension request for the Brooklands Section Three Final Plat, 38.698 acres, more or less, of land, 152 residential lots, located on CR 137 south of FM 1660 South. (Ashley Lumpkin) 8.B. Consideration and possible action on the second and final reading of an ordinance regarding the proposed annexation of Cottonwood Creek, 46.68 acres, more or less, of land, and to establish base zoning as SF-1 (Single Family Residential), located on CR 199. (Ashley Lumpkin) 8.C. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Mager Meadows Phase 2 Amended Plat, 22.441 acres, more or less, of land, 95 residential lots, located north of Mager Lane and Groves Lane. (Ashley Lumpkin) 8.D. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Star Ranch Section 7 Phase 8 Final Plat, 28.348 acres, more or less, of land, 116 residential lots, located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of Hutto on Winterfield Drive at Star Ranch Boulevard. (Ashley Lumpkin) 8.E. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Co- Op District Resubdivision of Lots 4A, 4B, 5A and 6A Amended Plat, 6.0039 acres, more or less, of land, 10 commercial lots, located on Co Op Boulevard at US 79 West. (Ashley Lumpkin) 8.F. Consideration and possible action to approve the November 7, 2019 City Council meeting minutes. (Lacie Hale)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the subdivision plat approval extension request for the Brooklands Section Three Final Plat, 38.698 acres, more or less, of land, 152 residential lots, located on CR 137 south of FM 1660 South. (Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration and possible action on the second and final reading of an ordinance regarding the proposed annexation of Cottonwood Creek, 46.68 acres, more or less, of land, and to establish base zoning as SF-1 (Single Family Residential), located on CR 199. (Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Mager Meadows Phase 2 Amended Plat, 22.441 acres, more or less, of land, 95 residential lots, located north of Mager Lane and Groves Lane. (Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Star Ranch Section 7 Phase 8 Final Plat, 28.348 acres, more or less, of land, 116 residential lots, located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of Hutto on Winterfield Drive at Star Ranch Boulevard. (Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Co-Op District Resubdivision of Lots 4A, 4B, 5A and 6A Amended Plat, 6.0039 acres, more or less, of land, 10 commercial lots, located on Co Op Boulevard at US 79 West. (Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration and possible action to approve the November 7, 2019 City Council meeting minutes. (Lacie Hale)
ORDINANCES Consideration of a public hearing and possible action on the first reading of an ordinance approving a specific use permit for the property located at 103 East Live Oak Street, 0.29 acres, more or less, of land, Lots 9 of the MeGee's 2nd Addition Subdivision, allowing live-work within the OT-3 (Residential) Transect Zone.(Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration of a public hearing and possible action on the first reading of an ordinance approving the proposed Cottonwood Creek Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment, 370.36 acres, more or less, of land, located on CR 199. (Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration of a public hearing and possible action on the first and final reading of an ordinance approving the proposed annexation of 10700 FM 1660 South, 156.136 acres, more or less, of land, and to establish base zoning for the existing City of Hutto South Wastewater Treatment Plant (155.136 acres) as LI (Light Industrial) and the Saul House (1.0 acres) as REC (Recreational). (Ashley Lumpkin)
Public hearing, discussion, and possible consideration and approval of the second reading of an Ordinance to create Reinvestment Zone No. Two, City of Hutto, Texas, for the purpose of promoting redevelopment within the corporate limits of the City of Hutto. (Jessica Geray)
Approve first reading of an ordinance amending the City of Hutto Code of Ordinances (2014 Edition) Chapter 2 (Administration and Personnel) regarding financial disclosures.
Consideration and possible action on an Resolution relating to the approval of the City of Hutto Economic Development Corporation Type B dedication of a portion of sales tax collected by the Corporation to the City of Hutto Sports, Health and Entertainment District. (Jessica Geray)
RESOLUTIONS Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Vortex International for the purchase and installation of a new splash pad at Fritz Park for an amount not to exceed $298,990.10 (Jeff White).
Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Restroom Facilities LTD for the purchase and installation of a new restroom at Fritz Park for an amound not to exceed $388,456.
Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with We Build Fun for the purchase and installation of a new playground at Fritz Park for an amount not to exceed $365,282.42 (Jeff White).
Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with USA Shade for the purchase and installation of shade structures at Fritz Park for an amount not to exceed $408,579.40.
Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Cottonwood Creek Preliminary Plat, 370.33 acres, more or less, of land, 987 residential lots, two amenity lots and 22 open space lots, located on CR 199. (Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration and possible action for a Resolution approving certain actions by the City Manager and certain actions by the Cottonwood Development Corporation. (Jessica Geray)
Consideration and possible action authorizing for a Resolution for an Interlocal Agreement with the Cottonwood Development Corporation and containing other matters related thereto. (Jessica Geray)
Public hearing, consideration and possible action for a Resolution authorizing and creating a Sports, Health, and Entertainment District public improvement district. (Jessica Geray)
Consideration and possible action for a Resolution to request participation from Williamson County by way of economic development incentives for the Sports, Health, and Entertainment District. (Jessica Geray)
Consideration and possible action for a Resolution to authorize the City Manager to enter into an amendment to the Williamson County Emergency Services District No. 3 related to the Sports, Health, and Entertainment District. (Jessica Geray)
OTHER BUSINESS Consideration of and possible appointments to City Boards and Commissions. (Lacie Hale)
Discussion and possible action on prioritization of upcoming street reconstruction projects related to the Old Town Street Reconstruction Bond Program.(Samuel Ray)
12. EXECUTIVE SESSION The City Council for the City of Hutto reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above as authorized by the Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 [Litigation/Consultation with Attorney], 551.072 [Deliberations regarding real property], 551.073 [Deliberations regarding gifts and donations], 551.074 [Deliberations regarding personnel matters] or 551.076 [Deliberations regarding deployment/implementation of security personnel or devices] and 551.087 [Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations]. 12.A. Executive Session, as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, consultation with Attorney, Section 551.074 deliberations regarding personnel matters, regarding city manager. 13. ACTION RELATIVE TO EXECUTIVE SESSION 13.A. Consideration and possible action(s) on personnel matters regarding city manager. 14. ADJOURNMENT
CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sec. 551.0415, a member of the governance body may make an announcement about items of community interest during a meeting of the governing body without given notice of the subject of the announcement. Items of Community Interests include: (1) expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; (2) information regarding holiday schedule; (3) an honorary or salutary recognition of public official, public employee, or other citizen, except that a discussion regarding a change in the status of a person's public office or public employment is not an honorary or salutary recognition of the subdivision; (4) a reminder regarding social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the political subdivision; and (5) announcements involving imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the political subdivision that has arisen after the posting of the agenda.
PUBLIC COMMENT Any citizen wishing to speak during public comment may do so after completing the required registration form. In accordance with the Texas Attorney General's Opinion, any public comment that is made on an item that is not on the published final agenda will only be heard by the City Council. No formal action, discussion, deliberation, or comment will be made by the City Council. Comments must be courteous and respectful. Accordingly, concerns, complaints, and assertions of character regarding specific individuals, including any citizens, staff member, City Board or Commission member or City Council member shall not be raised in a public forum; but should be addressed separately and privately with the City Manager or individual member of the City Council. Any person who violates these rules will have their speaking time ended inappropriate or disruptive manner may be asked to leave the City Council Chambers. Each person providing public comment will be limited to 3 minutes.
CITY MANAGER COMMENTS 7. A. Presentation of the City Financials for the Month of October as required by the fiscal and budgetary policy. (Michel Sorrell)
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 8.A. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the subdivision plat approval extension request for the Brooklands Section Three Final Plat, 38.698 acres, more or less, of land, 152 residential lots, located on CR 137 south of FM 1660 South. (Ashley Lumpkin) 8.B. Consideration and possible action on the second and final reading of an ordinance regarding the proposed annexation of Cottonwood Creek, 46.68 acres, more or less, of land, and to establish base zoning as SF-1 (Single Family Residential), located on CR 199. (Ashley Lumpkin) 8.C. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Mager Meadows Phase 2 Amended Plat, 22.441 acres, more or less, of land, 95 residential lots, located north of Mager Lane and Groves Lane. (Ashley Lumpkin) 8.D. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Star Ranch Section 7 Phase 8 Final Plat, 28.348 acres, more or less, of land, 116 residential lots, located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of Hutto on Winterfield Drive at Star Ranch Boulevard. (Ashley Lumpkin) 8.E. Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Co- Op District Resubdivision of Lots 4A, 4B, 5A and 6A Amended Plat, 6.0039 acres, more or less, of land, 10 commercial lots, located on Co Op Boulevard at US 79 West. (Ashley Lumpkin) 8.F. Consideration and possible action to approve the November 7, 2019 City Council meeting minutes. (Lacie Hale)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the subdivision plat approval extension request for the Brooklands Section Three Final Plat, 38.698 acres, more or less, of land, 152 residential lots, located on CR 137 south of FM 1660 South. (Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration and possible action on the second and final reading of an ordinance regarding the proposed annexation of Cottonwood Creek, 46.68 acres, more or less, of land, and to establish base zoning as SF-1 (Single Family Residential), located on CR 199. (Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Mager Meadows Phase 2 Amended Plat, 22.441 acres, more or less, of land, 95 residential lots, located north of Mager Lane and Groves Lane. (Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Star Ranch Section 7 Phase 8 Final Plat, 28.348 acres, more or less, of land, 116 residential lots, located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of Hutto on Winterfield Drive at Star Ranch Boulevard. (Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Co-Op District Resubdivision of Lots 4A, 4B, 5A and 6A Amended Plat, 6.0039 acres, more or less, of land, 10 commercial lots, located on Co Op Boulevard at US 79 West. (Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration and possible action to approve the November 7, 2019 City Council meeting minutes. (Lacie Hale)
ORDINANCES Consideration of a public hearing and possible action on the first reading of an ordinance approving a specific use permit for the property located at 103 East Live Oak Street, 0.29 acres, more or less, of land, Lots 9 of the MeGee's 2nd Addition Subdivision, allowing live-work within the OT-3 (Residential) Transect Zone.(Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration of a public hearing and possible action on the first reading of an ordinance approving the proposed Cottonwood Creek Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment, 370.36 acres, more or less, of land, located on CR 199. (Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration of a public hearing and possible action on the first and final reading of an ordinance approving the proposed annexation of 10700 FM 1660 South, 156.136 acres, more or less, of land, and to establish base zoning for the existing City of Hutto South Wastewater Treatment Plant (155.136 acres) as LI (Light Industrial) and the Saul House (1.0 acres) as REC (Recreational). (Ashley Lumpkin)
Public hearing, discussion, and possible consideration and approval of the second reading of an Ordinance to create Reinvestment Zone No. Two, City of Hutto, Texas, for the purpose of promoting redevelopment within the corporate limits of the City of Hutto. (Jessica Geray)
Approve first reading of an ordinance amending the City of Hutto Code of Ordinances (2014 Edition) Chapter 2 (Administration and Personnel) regarding financial disclosures.
Consideration and possible action on an Resolution relating to the approval of the City of Hutto Economic Development Corporation Type B dedication of a portion of sales tax collected by the Corporation to the City of Hutto Sports, Health and Entertainment District. (Jessica Geray)
RESOLUTIONS Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Vortex International for the purchase and installation of a new splash pad at Fritz Park for an amount not to exceed $298,990.10 (Jeff White).
Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Restroom Facilities LTD for the purchase and installation of a new restroom at Fritz Park for an amound not to exceed $388,456.
Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with We Build Fun for the purchase and installation of a new playground at Fritz Park for an amount not to exceed $365,282.42 (Jeff White).
Consideration and possible action on a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with USA Shade for the purchase and installation of shade structures at Fritz Park for an amount not to exceed $408,579.40.
Consideration and possible action on a resolution approving the proposed Cottonwood Creek Preliminary Plat, 370.33 acres, more or less, of land, 987 residential lots, two amenity lots and 22 open space lots, located on CR 199. (Ashley Lumpkin)
Consideration and possible action for a Resolution approving certain actions by the City Manager and certain actions by the Cottonwood Development Corporation. (Jessica Geray)
Consideration and possible action authorizing for a Resolution for an Interlocal Agreement with the Cottonwood Development Corporation and containing other matters related thereto. (Jessica Geray)
Public hearing, consideration and possible action for a Resolution authorizing and creating a Sports, Health, and Entertainment District public improvement district. (Jessica Geray)
Consideration and possible action for a Resolution to request participation from Williamson County by way of economic development incentives for the Sports, Health, and Entertainment District. (Jessica Geray)
Consideration and possible action for a Resolution to authorize the City Manager to enter into an amendment to the Williamson County Emergency Services District No. 3 related to the Sports, Health, and Entertainment District. (Jessica Geray)
OTHER BUSINESS Consideration of and possible appointments to City Boards and Commissions. (Lacie Hale)
Discussion and possible action on prioritization of upcoming street reconstruction projects related to the Old Town Street Reconstruction Bond Program.(Samuel Ray)
12. EXECUTIVE SESSION The City Council for the City of Hutto reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above as authorized by the Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 [Litigation/Consultation with Attorney], 551.072 [Deliberations regarding real property], 551.073 [Deliberations regarding gifts and donations], 551.074 [Deliberations regarding personnel matters] or 551.076 [Deliberations regarding deployment/implementation of security personnel or devices] and 551.087 [Deliberations regarding Economic Development negotiations]. 12.A. Executive Session, as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, consultation with Attorney, Section 551.074 deliberations regarding personnel matters, regarding city manager. 13. ACTION RELATIVE TO EXECUTIVE SESSION 13.A. Consideration and possible action(s) on personnel matters regarding city manager. 14. ADJOURNMENT